“I have worked with clients virtually for nine years and continue to do so through the current crisis. I can help if your team needs support navigating the uncharted waters of this unique time.
As the Chief Inpowerment Officer at Personal Point of Power Holistic Therapies, I work with high-performing professionals and organizations suffering with decreased performance, productivity or fulfillment due to intense stress, internal or external pressures, anxiety, or chronic pain. Inpowerment is about tapping into the power within us, whereas empowerment is bestowed upon us.
When an executive isn’t functioning at the highest level, the organization suffers. An executive experiencing overwhelming stress will not have access to creativity for innovation or problem solving.
Working individually with driven executives, I identify and mitigate negative beliefs and energy blocks, utilizing energy medicine, hypnosis, mind/body practices, and coaching.
Employees are also under pressure to perform and produce. Employee burnout and turnover have a high cost for organizations.
I believe everyone has a spark, but stress and anxiety can snuff out that spark and leave us feeling powerless, negatively impacting the quality of our work and our relationships.
For innovative organizations, I create programs that identify the underlying causes of stress and reignite employees’ spark to make a bigger impact.
From lunch and learns to onsite wellness sessions and retreats, I work with HR or management to deliver programs that give employees tools and strategies to combat daily job stress and anxiety.
I started my career working in financial services, sprinting to an executive-level marketing role. I generated success for my organization…but something was missing for me. Realizing I had a lot to learn, I pursued my MBA at Kellogg, became an entrepreneur, and then dove into training in alternative medicine. I now blend my formal education and business know-how with mind/body healing techniques to help professionals tap their inner resources, overcome anxiety and self-doubt and create personal excellence through my company, Personal Point of Power Holistic Therapies.” – Shweta Shyamani
Hanh: [00:04:40] how has the coronavirus pandemic changed your practice? Have you noticed more patients come to you with certain type of help? Let’s say anxiety.
Shweta: [00:04:50] Absolutely. I don’t have a medical background.
Shweta: [00:04:53] So the people that I work with, I refer to his clients, not patients and that’s just a technicality, but yes, [00:05:00] absolutely. People are. Finding it really hard to shut off the mind. So anxiety is a piece of it. Depression is certainly a peace and sadness because there’s just the sense of loss, this loss of life, the way that we knew it, we also, there’s a lot of uncertainty and that adds to the anxiety because people can’t say on this date, this is going to be done. (End)
Hanh: [00:06:32] What do you think the pandemic has impacted caregivers and their aging loved ones in different ways.
Shweta: [00:06:41] I think that they’re dealing with the emotions. I think that everybody is generally dealing with, but times 10, because there’s this sense of complete powerlessness and lack of control, especially if they’re aging, loved ones are in skilled nursing facilities or in, even from [00:07:00] what I understand, some of the over 55 communities have limited access.
Shweta: [00:07:05] To residents in those communities even for by family. So now it’s matter of during times of uncertainty, we want to be with our loved ones. We want to be in community. We want to be with our tribe. Again, that’s something that just is a very primitive and ingrained in our nervous system and in our brain. (End)
[00:07:24] And during this very time, we’re being told no. You can’t be with those people. You can’t be with your tribe. You have to maintain a distance and even talking about it. I can feel in my body, just this, this elevation of sadness at that thought, because it just it’s so unnatural at times of uncertainty and difficulty. [00:07:45] We lean in and be with them, people that can support us and that we can support. And we’re being told that we can’t do that. So I think that makes. This time, particularly difficult for caregivers and their loved ones. [00:07:58] Absolutely. I [00:08:00] sense, there’s this moment of numbness. There’s so much going on and it’s ongoing and you numb to, to the outside world and I guess to even protect yourself, does that make sense?Hanh: [00:08:12] Do you think there’s another pandemic going on in this world right now, for instance, a pandemic of stress, anxiety, and depression.
Shweta: [00:08:22] A hundred percent. I think that is a secondary sort of pandemic that’s happening that we really need to address because on a personal level, we have much more influence and control over that pandemic than the one that’s happening, quote, unquote, out there.
Shweta: [00:08:37] And because the, that pandemic of anxiety, stress, depression, hopelessness, powerlessness, those things are. Emotions that we can work with and we can influence through a variety of different means. And today I’d love to share some of those techniques with you, [00:09:00] because I think that your viewers, these are really wonderfulself-care tools and techniques that are ways that people can navigate and manage the emotions in a really healthy mind-body way.
Hanh: [00:13:04] What do you say to people who are accustomed to prescription drugs?
Shweta: [00:13:09] First of all, I never advise because I’m not a medical practitioner. So people want to make decisions about prescription drugs with their physician. That’s totally fine. That said I have worked with people who have chosen.
Shweta: [00:13:22] To get off of those medications with the aid of their doctor, because they found that they don’t need them anymore. Because again, once we are able to start influencing the way that our body works, our nervous system, and we’re able to send the resources to where they need to go. Oftentimes those additional medications aren’t needed and I’ve. Worked with many people who’ve been on prescription drugs that haven’t really found much benefit from them.
Hanh: Great. How does it help with folks? Let’s say [00:17:00] cognitive impairment, dementia. How do you show them how to do this?
Shweta: [00:17:05] It depends on the person’s level of ability.
[00:17:08] Loved ones can do this for their. Their elderly loved ones, took caregivers can do this. I’m seeing people virtually at the moment, but when they would come to see me in my office, I would hold points for them. And I have a whole series of protocols, but I teach people here’s something you can do to reinforce the work. [00:17:26] So it doesn’t matter. There are so these points are extremely powerful. These points right here on the forehead. Where are the bumps? Are there? The frontal eminences, these neurovascular reflex points are extremely powerful.Hanh: [00:20:28] do you notice any patterns in, let’s say the different age groups that are reaching out to you? For instance, the younger patients looking for help in different areas than the older patients?
Shweta: [00:20:41] I think bucket that everybody is feeling challenged with is anxiety. Right. And the reasons for the anxiety might vary and the way that it’s showing up in people’s bodies and the symptomology might be different. Some people might just not be able to sleep. Some people might be sleeping way too much because that’s the way that they can [00:21:00] avoid they’re feeling depressed.
[00:21:01] Some people may be. Overusing stimulants like coffee and other, other chemicals. Some people may have completely lost her appetite when I’m too anxious. I can’t even eat my stomach when, on anything down. So the way that it shows up and manifests in people is different. But right now the big struggle, I think for most people is anxiety because there’s such a, we’re in such a time of uncertainty. [00:21:25] That’s really triggering that primitive response of sameness is safety and nothing is the same right now.Hanh[00:22:44] How do you manage stress and negative emotions and what techniques do you use?
Shweta: [00:22:49] I use all of the techniques. I’m going to show you a couple more today. I use all of them because they work. One of them that I think is a really great one to share is there’s a lot of [00:23:00] sadness and grief going on. And some people have lost loved ones during this pandemic, whether it was from COVID or not.
[00:23:06] And they haven’t been able to be with their family and we have grief and grief. It’s just it’s part of life. And one way to help move. The emotion through our body because every emotion creates its own cascade of biochemicals in the body. When we don’t want them to take up a residence right. In our bodies, we want them to move through because feeling emotion is a very natural process.Hanh: [00:32:31] Do you have anything else that you would like to share?
Shweta: [00:32:34] I just want to first thank you so much for giving the opportunity to share this important. Information with people because my deep desire is that as we move through this pandemic and even beyond, because uncertainty is a part of our lives all the time, just to varying degrees that people really use these techniques become a great consumer of your healthcare.
[00:33:00] [00:33:00] Find different sources. If one person says there’s nothing, we can do find somebody who says I have something. Look for different alternatives and different ways that you can care for yourself and your loved ones, because there’s so much out there. So look for people and different sources of information and just become a great advocate for yourself and those that you love.Hanh: [00:33:24] Thank you so much.
Shweta: [00:33:26] So welcome my pleasure.
Shweta’s Links:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shwetashyamani/
Website: https://personalpointofpower.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShwetaShyamani